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Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

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IICS is excited to welcome new students from Singapore, United States, Russia and more! Sign up for a Free Class today and join the discussion.

In this Issue

* New Logo! 

* Upcoming Workshops and Certifications

* Sex on the Scene

*"Dare To Be Stupid" by Dr. Clark 

*Why Does God Let this Happen?

* Addict America
* My Pocket Therapist-12 tools for living in connection
* Get a free chapter of either book!!!

* Earn CEs with Sexology Classes
* New IICS Merchandise


‍New Year, New Logo!

Non-Monogamous Lifestyles

March 8, 2024
12pm - 6pm EST

This course will explore the variations beyond monogamy in sexual and emotional relationships. It will include how clinicians can help clients explore their options and engage in non-monogamous lifestyles responsibly and healthily. 

Live Webinar Only

 Instructed by
Francesa Gentille

5 CE Credit Hours $159

Sexual Pharmacology
 March 16, 2024
9am-3pm EST

Join Dr. David Williams as we explore together a wide variety of medications that affect sexual functioning. This elective will look at substances, both prescribed and not, that play a role in sexual functioning along with medication effects on hormone levels. We will then look at medications that can be used to enhance and aid in sexual functioning.

Live Webinar Only

 Instructed by
Dr. David Williams
5CEs for $159

Legal, Ethical and Forensic Issues in Sex Therapy Part 1

June 8, 2024

9am-3pm EST

This course will review the Codes of Ethics of several organizations, including ATSA and AASECT. It will cover the basics of Ethical Decision Making and ethical questions related to specific areas, such as conversion therapy. Students will learn how therapists and psychologists come to violate the laws regarding sexual relationships with patients and be able to clearly differentiate between the therapist-patient relationship and the forensic arena and understand the boundaries of each. The course will also focus on forensic assessment and testifying in court.

Instructed by

Dr. Carol Clark and

Stuart Leviton
5CEs for $245

Up Coming Workshops!


Victims and Victimology part 2

August 11, 2024

Victims and Victimology / Domestic Violence Part 1

June 9, 2024

Transgender Care Therapy Training


February 22-25, 2024 Part 1

March 14-17, 2024 Part 2


Therapists and Allies are needed now more than ever!

 Instructed by

Jessica Lam, Dr. Carol Clark,

Dr. Marilyn Volker, and

Dr. Maylin Batista

The Best Sex Positions For People Over 60, According To Sex Experts

By Kelsey Borresen


You can't put an age limit on good sex.

Dare To Be Stupid
by Dr. Carol Clark


How often do you hold back expressing yourself because you don’t want to look stupid? How often does negative self-talk keep you from saying or doing something you want? Did you know this can be part of an addictive process?


Addiction is about stimulation, and fighting is stimulating. That includes fighting with ourselves. How many times a day do you get into an argument with yourself about something you sort of want to do but don’t really? Or argue with yourself about something you think you “should do” but would rather not?


“Should” is a bad word, by the way. It puts the responsibility for our decisions and behavior on an external entity, such as society, a parent, a religion, or just “them.” I “should” exercise, I “should” pray on Sunday, I “should” be nice to my Aunt Sally.  We use “should” to control other people, which then alleviates our own insecurities, as in “You should bring me flowers,” “You should call me every day,” or “You should want to have sex with me five times a week.” “Should” leads to guilt or resentment and who says? Change it to “want” or “would like” and you can change your mood and attitude.


When we argue with ourselves, there is a “should” involved, which leads to increased stimulation for the addict brain. When we really dig deeper to find the meaning underneath the surface “shoulds,” we find that special button that gets pushed so easily and leads to anger, resentment, and overall disconnection. That button is whatever message you have taken in about yourself that is not rational but was ingrained at a young age when you weren’t even aware of it. That button is the one that says “I’m a failure,” “I’m not important,” “I’m worthless,” or “I’m stupid.” You argue with yourself because you know, cognitively, that it’s not true, but deep inside your limbic system, you fear that it is.


There are various ways to heal from the traumas that caused you to create that button and there are many interventions to change your responses to events that push the button, but meanwhile, how do you not engage in the mental conflict that is so stimulating to your addict brain? How do you get past the negative beliefs about yourself to just speak up and express yourself?


You say, “So what?” So what if I’m worthless, so what if I’m not important, so what if I’m a failure, so what if I’m stupid?


So what? Float above it like you float above the rip tide.


Dare to be stupid!

(Weird Al Yankovic,)


Be In Light


Why Does God Let This Happen?:

The Meaning of Life

"This book offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of God,

science, and human connection. What truly sets this work apart is Dr.
Clark's skillful intertwining of spirituality and scientific inquiry,
revealing the intricate tapestry where these seemingly disparate worlds
meet. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the nexus of
faith and science. It's a journey into the heart of what it means to be
human in a world governed by both divine mysteries and scientific wonders."


-Dr. April Young, LMHC, CST- Owner Young Psychotherapy, PLLC

"DrCarol Clark, one of the bravest humans I know, connects spirituality
with healing work for both clinicians and the people they serve. Her book
"Why does God let this happen: The Meaning of Life" blends her passion for
spirituality with science into an easy to understand conversation of
personal depth and significance."

-Rev. Glen Maiden Phd, DMin, Pastoral Counselor






Addict America: The Lost Connection

Now in Audiobook Format

We're proud to announce that Dr. Clark's seminal work Addict America: The Lost Connection is finally availbe in audiobook format! After a lot of hard work you can finally hear The Lost Connection read by Dr. Clark's friend and professional voice artist Paula Barros. Now it's even easier than ever to learn how addictive behavior affects the human brain and causes the disconnections we experience with our families, friends, and co-workers in a profound, eye-opening manner. Dr. Clark’s groundbreaking book takes current addiction theory down a new path and Paula Barros brings it to life in a whole new way. Check out these reviews and find the audiobook on Amazon below!

"Addict America is a must read for anyone interested in addiction. This book changed the way I think about addiction. Dr. Clark presents a new way of conceptualizing our behaviors and discusses a theory that incorporates our cultural, relational and spiritual selves."

- Brittany Edge, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"This is a go-to-book for students of addiction treatment as well as those interested in the related sociological problems that both support and maintain the problem."

- Dr. Rob Weiss



My Pocket Therapist 

12 Tools for Living in Connection

Therapy is great and can improve your life tremendously. It can also be time-consuming and expensive, and often what you learn in one hour a week is easily forgotten between sessions.


MY POCKET THERAPIST contains simple tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friends. You will also experience a greater awareness of your Connection with the universal life force as you shift from being stuck in the past or worrying about the future to feeling grounded in the present.

Clinical Sexology Education

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!



IICS Leggings!!



IICS Phone Case!!



W.O.K.E. T-Shirt  !!


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