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Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshps for CE credits, articles, and more!

Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshps for CE credits, articles, and more!

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IICS is excited to welcome new students from Singapore, United States, Russia and more! Sign up for a Free Class today and join the discussion.

In this Issue

* New Logo! 

* Upcoming Workshops and Certifications

* Sex on the Scene

*Are You OK? by Dr. Clark 

*Why Does God Let this Happen?

* Addict America
* My Pocket Therapist-12 tools for living in connection
* Get a free chapter of either book!!!

* Earn CEs with Sexology Classes
* New IICS Merchandise


‍New Year, New Logo!

‍ Congratulations to Dr. Reyna Aday!

12 hour Qualified Supervisor Training

January 18-19, 2024
9am-4pm EST

This 12-hour CE course meets the requirements for Florida Rule 64B4-6.0025 F.A.C. for Supervisory Training. All of the learning objectives specified by the Rule will be fulfilled. This is a comprehensive training for licensed clinicians in Florida and elsewhere who want to supervise interns and/or other therapists. Supervising interns carries specific ethical and legal responsibilities for which this workshop will prepare the participants. This workshop is offered via live webinar with full interaction with presenter and other attendees.  Live Only

 Instructed by
Dr. Carol Clark

12CEs for $245

4-hour third biennium
January 19-2023
9am-1pm EST

The 4-hour third biennium meets requirements for Florida FAC 64B4-6.0025 and will benefit any licensed clinician providing supervision to interns and other supervisees.


This course will: 

•Review changes to Florida laws and rules relating to Interns and Supervisors

Live Only


Instructed by
Dr. Carol Clark
3CEs for $39

Sexuality and Disability

CE Workshop

February 4, 2024


Instructed by

Lourdes Rios and

Isabel Perez
5CEs for $159

Transgender Care Therapy Training


February 22-25, 2024 Part 1

March 14-17, 2024 Part 2


Therapists and Allies are needed now more than ever!

 Instructed by

Jessica Lam, Dr. Carol Clark,

Dr. Marilyn Volker, and

Dr. Maylin Batista

Up Coming Workshops!


Non-Monogamous Lifestyles

March 8, 2024

Sexual Pharmacology

March 16, 2024

I Became A Monitor At A Sex Dungeon. Here’s What I Discovered There.

By Tamsin Wressell


"I’ve always been drawn to connection, in all its beautiful forms, and a sex playroom is just one of the spaces where I see this beauty."

Are You OK?
by Dr. Carol Clark

Are You OK?

This sounds very caring and concerned, doesn’t it? I bet when you read it, you got a warm feeling. This is what people ask when they notice that someone is not looking good, or has just suffered a loss or illness, or they just have a feeling that something is off.

If you have read any of my articles, however, you know I’m going to turn this around lol!

I propose that this is a terrible question to ask. Let’s use “Alice” and “Debbie” as examples. Debbie asks Alice “Are you OK?” with the intention of showing concern and letting Alice know she cares, but it leaves Alice in an uncomfortable quandary. How does she respond?

Alice may be just fine, in which case she is now wondering, “Do I look like something is wrong?” “Do I look tired or sick?” 

Alice may actually be feeling poorly or unwell, but doesn’t want to share that with Debbie. So how does she respond? 

Alice may be feeling awful, looks awful, and gets angry, yelling, “Of course I’m not ok!” or is too ill to respond and gets even more pissed off but can’t express it.

Alice may have a whole litany of problems that she would love to share, but doesn’t know if Debbie is really interested, or how much she wants to hear.

Alice may take a leap of faith and share something devastating with Debbie, who now has to figure out how to respond and may be overwhelmed, or was never that interested to begin with but is now stuck.

“Are you OK?” is a “yes or no” question, which is the worst when it comes to getting information. Social convention suggests that when Debbie notices something amiss with Alice, she can ask, “Are you OK?” to fulfill her social obligation. Alice will then respond, “Yes, I’m fine” and the social niceties are completed. 

The real question is, how much do you want to Connect? This social convention leaves the parties in a state of disconnection. If Connection is the intention, then dispense with “Are you OK?” and instead, say, “I notice you are looking sad. Tell me what’s happening.” You could also say, “I’m concerned because I know you recently lost your dog and that can be really traumatic.” You might say, “I see you’re not well, what do you need?
Any of these statements demonstrate caring and compassion and also open up space for sharing while also providing the opportunity for a response such as, “I’m too tired to talk right now,” or “I’m not ready to talk yet but I’d like a hug,” or “Please make me some soup.”

Finally, it’s extremely important to not invalidate or minimize a child’s intuition when they ask this question. When a child asks, “Mommy, are you ok?” when they are observing Mommy being sad, angry, sick, or crying, the worst thing Mommy can reply is, “I’m ok.” Mommy is clearly NOT OK, but telling the child she is fine will lead to the child subverting their intuition and doubting themselves when an authority figure denies their reality. This can lead to that child becoming an adult who can easily be manipulated, exploited, and victimized.

So, are you OK? Don’t answer that. How about telling me how you’re feeling and what you need?


Be In Light


Why Does God Let This Happen?:

The Meaning of Life

"This book offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of God,

science, and human connection. What truly sets this work apart is Dr.
Clark's skillful intertwining of spirituality and scientific inquiry,
revealing the intricate tapestry where these seemingly disparate worlds
meet. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the nexus of
faith and science. It's a journey into the heart of what it means to be
human in a world governed by both divine mysteries and scientific wonders."


-Dr. April Young, LMHC, CST- Owner Young Psychotherapy, PLLC

"DrCarol Clark, one of the bravest humans I know, connects spirituality
with healing work for both clinicians and the people they serve. Her book
"Why does God let this happen: The Meaning of Life" blends her passion for
spirituality with science into an easy to understand conversation of
personal depth and significance."

-Rev. Glen Maiden Phd, DMin, Pastoral Counselor




Addict America: The Lost Connection

Now in Audiobook Format

We're proud to announce that Dr. Clark's seminal work Addict America: The Lost Connection is finally availbe in audiobook format! After a lot of hard work you can finally hear The Lost Connection read by Dr. Clark's friend and professional voice artist Paula Barros. Now it's even easier than ever to learn how addictive behavior affects the human brain and causes the disconnections we experience with our families, friends, and co-workers in a profound, eye-opening manner. Dr. Clark’s groundbreaking book takes current addiction theory down a new path and Paula Barros brings it to life in a whole new way. Check out these reviews and find the audiobook on Amazon below!

"Addict America is a must read for anyone interested in addiction. This book changed the way I think about addiction. Dr. Clark presents a new way of conceptualizing our behaviors and discusses a theory that incorporates our cultural, relational and spiritual selves."

- Brittany Edge, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"This is a go-to-book for students of addiction treatment as well as those interested in the related sociological problems that both support and maintain the problem."

- Dr. Rob Weiss


My Pocket Therapist 

12 Tools for Living in Connection

Therapy is great and can improve your life tremendously. It can also be time-consuming and expensive, and often what you learn in one hour a week is easily forgotten between sessions.


MY POCKET THERAPIST contains simple tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friends. You will also experience a greater awareness of your Connection with the universal life force as you shift from being stuck in the past or worrying about the future to feeling grounded in the present.

Clinical Sexology Education

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!



IICS Leggings!!



IICS Backpack!!



W.O.K.E. T-Shirt  !!