Therapist Certification Association (TCA)
Renewing Your Certification in Clinical Sexology
As TCA Certified Sex Therapist, Clinical Sexologist, or Human Sexuality Professional,you are required to renew your TCA Certification status every two years. To renew your TCA Certification status, please submit the following to the TCA Office:
• Certification Renewal Form ( Online Form | Download or print )
• Certificate(s) of completion for 10 hours of Sexology Credits (continuing education in Sexology) completed within your current 2-year approval period
• Copy of professional license or certificate
Payment of $200.
Is your TCA Certification expired?
If your Certification has been expired for more than 6 months, you will be expected to pay a reinstatement fee. To reinstate your TCA Certification status, please submit the following to the TCA Office:
• Certification Renewal Form ( Online Form | Download or print)
• Certificate(s) of completion for 10 hours of Sexology Credits (Continuing Education in Clinical Sexology) completed within your current 2-year approval period
Payment $275
Do you need TCA Credits?
To maintain your TCA Certification, you are expected to earn 10 Sexology Credits every two years. If you are in need of Sexology Credits, the Training tab on our website lists all of the current continuing education options that are being offered by TCA. Remember, as a TCA Certified Professional, you may earn 10 CE Credits from TCA at no charge.
Position Statement
TCA is a sex addiction-positive association. This does not mean that our professionals need to treat sex addiction or may not have other viewpoints. It does mean that our professionals will make no derogatory, demeaning, or dismissive statements regarding sex addiction and, if a sex addiction therapist (including IITAP certified therapists) refers a client to a TCA certified therapist, that therapist will work cooperatively with the addictions therapist to facilitate the client’s recovery and help that client develop the ability to have a healthy sexual life, however the client defines it.