Stephanie Newberg, LCSW, M.Ed is a licensed psychotherapist in FL and PA, working with individuals, couples and families. She has been in practice for more than 25 years specializing in: family and couples therapy, conflict resolution, grief and loss, parenting support and the implications of divorce on children and families. In addition, Stephanie is a trained family and divorce mediator/ co-parent counselor and has received intensive training in sand tray play therapy for adolescents and children. Stephanie has led numerous workshops and presentations for adults and adolescents on relationship and communication skills, dealing with the effects of divorce on families, diversity issues, cyberbullying/effects of technology on development, nutrition and mental health, and conflict resolution skills. In addition, Stephanie has numerous publications and has been on two podcasts. Stephanie is a certified counselor for first responders, trained in neuro- emotional techniques, served as a consultant for the Council for Relationships in Philadelphia, PA and works at the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social work as an adjunct professor, supervisor, and field work liaison for social work students.