Ewan Test Form - Payment
  1. Application for Certification and Approval Process

    There is no membership application fee for STTI students. Non-STTI applicants shall pay a non-refundable fee of $200.

    Applications shall include the following:
    • 1. Completed TCA application form
    • 2. Resume or CV
    • 3. CE credits or diploma
    • 4. Professional licenses and/or certifications
    • 5. Driver’s license or passport
    • Upon receipt of the application package, the TCA Board will review all documentation and approve or deny the application for certification. A denial may be appealed with a request in writing within ten (10) calendar days and a date for a personal appeal to the Board will be scheduled.

      Applicants approved for certification will receive a certificate effective for two (2) years.


  2. Certification Type(*)
    Invalid Input
  3. First Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Last Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. Email Address(*)
    Invalid Input

  6. Certification Application

    Upon review and acceptance of application, the applicant will be billed $200 for a 2-year certification. Certification may be renewed every two years with renewal application, proof of 20 Continuing Education Credits in Sexology, and payment of $200.

  7. Application Fee
    A $100 Application Fee is applicable for all non STTI Applications
  8. Total Payable
    0.00 USD
  9. Security
    Invalid Input

right arrow  Click here to view Continuing Education provided by Dr. Carol L. Clark & Therapy Certification Training.

All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs: 

ce tca
ce aasect 2
ce fcb
ce fbn
ce fbp
ce fbscw

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205
Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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