Sex Trafficking

Sex Trafficking

  • Instructor: Dr. An Goldbauer

Students will gain knowledge about the history of human trafficking through present day issues that continue to overlap 25 typologies. In-Class discussions will include identifying Supply Chains world-wide and companies that have signed pledges taking a stance against labor trafficking. Discussions about the different models of organized crime that range from gang operations to mob, pimp, and familial. The student will gain knowledge about the different indicators used to identify a human trafficked victim, ACE Scores that include vulnerable populations, minorities, and those who are undocumented and commonly present with a range of health, dental, and mental health problems. Health care professionals are usually in the front line ranging from EMS to ER and are best able to be in a position to identify the critical indicators for identifying human trafficking victims. The student will gain knowledge about the prevalence of human trafficking and the different forms of trafficking that is believed to eventually surpass the drug cartel industry with these two interfacing and overlapping world-wide. Recognizing code language, tattoo art and jewelry are some of the indicators for identifying victims held in sex trafficking. Students will gain knowledge on how to use screening tools, using a trauma-informed approach when interviewing, treating and working with victims. The student will will gain knowledge about SART’s and how health care and law enforcement can collaborate and utilize referral services. Students will gain knowledge on identifying reportable events ranging from domestic servitude, bondage, labor and sex trafficking and how to report these events.

Learning objectives

  1. Students will explore the history of human trafficking - Ten countries afflicted by modern slavery [Video] in class.
  2. Identify the types of Supply Chains, bench-marking, and score cards.
  3. Recognize the at-risk populations and the conceptual framework of the ACE Pyramid and ACE scores.
  4. Recognize code language and its use.
  5. Describe the role of Sexual Assault Rapid Response Teams (SART’s).

This is a five-hour workshop presented by Dr. An Goldbauer. Registrants will begin by clicking on the Contents tab. Then they will first view the video presentation, then review the resource list, then take the assessment quiz. Upon passing, they need to complete the evaluation and then they may access their completion certificate online or in pdf form.

One hour of instruction equals 1 CE Credit. The video for this workshop is five (5) hours.

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