Sex Offender Treatment Part 1

Sex Offender Treatment Part 1

  • Instructor: Dr. Carol Clark
Free for members

Many therapists and other healthcare providers may not think they will ever work with sex offenders, but the reality is that sex offenders offend for a variety of reasons and may very well come through our doors. Many therapists and other healthcare providers work with victims and it is not always the case that a victim will want nothing to do with the offender. This program will focus on
1) defining the types of sex offenders as per the DSM 5;
2) defining the legal definitions related to sex offending;
3) recognizing the differing dynamics and underlying motives related to stranger rape, acquaintance rape, child molestation, incest, sexual harassment, sex addiction and paraphilias;
4) best treatment practice according to the type of offense, including cognitive-behavioral, trauma intervention, medical, and group therapy;
5) assessment and treatment of the family of a sex offender; and
6) developing and implementing a treatment plan for sex offenders under supervision.

Once you have registered, you need to view the materials for this workshop. Begin with the curriculum and then view the video beginning with the name "Home Study" followed by the name of the class. Other videos are available for you to view and will add to your knowledge. There are also resource documents with each workshop.

When you have completed viewing the videos and reviewing the resource documents, you may take the Assessment test for your workshop. Many workshops have two parts but may be taken individually for credit and are broken down for that purpose.

If you pass the assessment test, you may then request your certificate as the next step.

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9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205
Miami Shores | FL 33138
(305) 891-1827

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