Transgender Care Certification Program 56 Hours
Day 1
- Describe the role of the mental health professional in working with the transgender population.
- Describe general overview of transgender care.
- Define the major categories and subcategories of identity related to sex and gender
- Differentiate the various gender identities
- Identify and distinguish problematic and defamatory terms in referring to a gender non-conforming person.
- Integrate the previous didactic learning with the real-life experiences of trans people.
- Discuss the challenges trans people face in various life areas.
- Define new terminologies relating to gender identity
- Describe the terms and identities with which gender non-conforming individuals identify
- Explore non-binary gender identities from historical and cultural perspectives.
Day 2
- Describe in depth the challenges faced by trans people.
- Implement role-play with transitioning clients to help them deal with various situations.
- Discuss the therapist’s role related to the specific challenges.
- Describe the relational aspects of transition.
- Describe the obstacles to medical care and treatment
- Recognize those particular challenges faced by transgender individuals from various cultures and countries.
- Describe the stages of transition from a Motivational Therapy perspective. Discuss various paths each person may take.
- Assist an individual in each stage of the coming out process
- Describe the various changes available for transition.
- Describe the decisions trans people need to make.
- Describe the WPATH Code of Ethics.
- Explain legal problems arising from differing laws in various jurisdictions.
- Describe legal protections or lack thereof currently existing for trans people in the healthcare, correctional, employment, and military systems.
- Explore the ethical dilemmas regarding minors transitioning.
Day 3
- Describe the hormone therapy protocols for adults
- Describe the hormone therapy protocols for adolescents.
- Describe primary and side effects of hormone therapy.
- List resources and working with children and families
- Use of anatomically correct dolls
Day 4
- Describe the intention of the Standards of Care (SOC).
- Implement the SOC guidelines for transition.
- Implement assessment and therapeutic strategies to assist trans people with transition planning
- Utilize a variety of assessment tools.
- Describe the etiology of the addictive process
- Demonstrate ability to conduct an evaluation interview.
- Make effective and relevant referrals.
- Evaluate transitioning people for hormone therapy
- Write letters of recommendation for hormone therapy
- Review psychiatric diagnoses and relate to transgender individuals.
- Describe the interaction of psychotropic meds and hormone therapy
- Implement treatment strategies for suicidal or self-mutilative individuals.
- Identify those individuals who want to live in the other gender because of trauma or impaired thinking.
- Identify personal biases and counter-transference regarding variations of gender non-conformance.
Day 5
- Describe those issues specific to older adults in transition.
- Describe issues likely to arise for transgender people in their senior years
- Describe the prolonged effects of hormone therapy.
- Describe effects of loss of families and/or social supports
- Describe challenges with dealing with healthcare providers
- Define Gender Dysphoria, Addiction, and Paraphilias.
- Differentiate Gender Dysphoria from Addiction and from Paraphilias in order to correctly diagnose.
- Identify basic treatment interventions
Day 6
- Identify how gender diversity manifests differently across cultures
- Discuss how various aspects of our culture relate to the trans community
- List the challenges specific to various cultures and religions for trans individuals and their families.
- Describe issues for Jewish observant and Muslim transmen
- List and describe the various medical interventions for transgenders.
- Describe the risk factors as per SOC for hormone therapy.
- Describe the risk factors as per SOC for gender confirmation surgery.
- Identify contra-indications for hormone or surgery recommendation.
- List medical and other healthcare resources for the transgender person.
Day 7
- Describe the basic challenges a family faces
- Develop intervention strategies appropriate for various family members.
- Describe and define the various terms used by the younger generation of gender non-conforming people.
- Distinguish issues specific to children and adolescents from adults regarding gender identification and transition
- Use an understanding of trans people’s and family’s experiences to develop individualized transition plans.
- Identify medical interventions challenges for trans kids
- Describe family concerns
- Identify issues for trans kids at school
- Identify the issues various family members and partners face as a loved one transitions.
- Design a treatment plan for addressing these issues.
- Explore various options for family/partners to maintain or develop a relationship with the trans person.
- Describe how to help family/partners re-evaluate and explore their own identities individually and in relationship.
- Describe the challenges trans people face when incarcerated.
- Describe the challenges for jails and prisons regarding trans people.
Day 8
- Assess for those areas that need to be addressed prior to recommendations.
- Determine the relevant areas to be targeted in therapy.
- Identify potential issues and develop a treatment plan for post-hormone and post-surgery life.
- Describe post-op medical and emotional issues and utilize appropriate interventions
- Implement treatment interventions with post-op trans people who are experiencing remorse or regret about transition
Transgender Care Resources
Bockting, W. O. & Coleman, E., eds. (1992). Gender Dysphoria: Interdisciplinary approaches in clinical management. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. $34.56 on
Standards of Care (2013). The World Professional Association for Transgender Health free on
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression. American Psychological Association.
Beyond the Binary: A Tool Kit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools
Kirk, S & Rothblatt, M. (1995). Medical, legal and workplace issues for the transsexual: A guide for transformation. Watertown, MA: Together Lifeworks.
Schroth, L. E. ed. (2014). Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
Stevenson, M. R. & Cogan, J. C. Eds. (2003). Everyday Activism. New York: Routledge Press.
Stuart, K. E. (1991). The uninvited dilemma: A question of gender. Portland, OR: Metamorphous Press.
Teich, N. M. (2012).Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue. New York: Columbia University Press.
Zucker, K. J. & Bradley, S. J. (1995). Gender Identity Disorder and Psychosexual Problems in Children and Adolescents. New York, NY: Guildford Press.
The Middle Sexes, Parts 1-11,
Trans, Chris Arnold, director, IICS website
Intersex, IICS website
Oprah on Transgender, IICS website
Resources (to date)
Advocates for Youth- Ten Tips for Parents of a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender Child & I Think I Might be Transgender, Now What Do I Do?
ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression American Psychological Association.
BEYOND THE BINARY: A Tool Kit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools
CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health—Youth
COLAGE Kids of Trans Program (for children with transgender parents)
Deaf Queer Resource Center
EVERYDAY ACTIVISM. Michael R. Stevenson and Jeanine C. Cogan, Ed. New York:Routledge, 2003.
FACT SHEET: Transgender & Gender Nonconforming Youth in School. Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Gay/Straight/Trans Alliances: A Student Guide
Gender Education & Workplace Advocacy
Gender non-conforming: child, family, medical, mental health issues/resources
GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens by Kelley Huegel—grades 9 and up
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) HARSH REALITIES: The Experiences of Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools. & Miami-Dade County
Public Schools Gender Resource Guide (available from the YES INSTITUTE, Miami Florida)
International Foundation for Gender Education
Intersex Society of North America
If YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S GENDER BEHAVIORS: A Guide for Parents. Children’s National Medical Center
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
LINKS for Transgender Youth
LOVE MAKES A FAMILY. By Gigi Kaeser & Peggy Gillespie—all grades
LUNA by Julie Ann Peters A story of a transgender brother/Grades 9 and up
MY GENDER WORKBOOK :How to Become a Real Man, a Real Woman, the Real You, or Something Else Entirely. By Kate Bornstein. New York: Routledge, 1998.
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Coalition for Gay, lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth
National Gay and Lesbian Task force
National Youth Advocacy Coalition
PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians, Gays, and Transgender)
Safe Schools Coalition . Model School District Policy Regarding Transgender and Gender NonConforming Students—
THE FAMILY BOOK by Todd Parr. K-grade 3
THE TRANSGENDER CHILD by Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper. 2008.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health
TransFaith Online. Spiritual and Religious Issues
Transgender Living on YouthResource
TRANSITIONS OF THE HEART—Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children by Rachel Pepper. Cleis Publishers, 2012.
TRANSGENDER VISIBILITY: A Guide to Being You. Human Rights Campaign
Trans Youth Family Allies
Trevor Helpline Crisis Intervention for LGBT Youth 24 hours a day/7 days a week 1.800.850.8078
WORKING WITH TRANSGENDER YOUTH: Getting Down to Basics. A CWLA/LAMBDA Legal Joint Initiative &
Gender Role Interviews:
Bruce Jenner:
Gender Queer-ies: